My Salesforce Product Manager Internship

Here’s to Blazing my Trail with Grace this Summer!

Grace Yeung
11 min readAug 7, 2020


With the end of my 12-week (remote) Product Manager internship at Salesforce, I would like to share my experience with you all, from high impact, hands-on projects to immersing myself in the Salesforce Ohana culture to showcasing my experience through content creation!

Firstly, while I was not able to work with my team from the beautiful Salesforce Tower in San Francisco and I was instead working from my home on the East Coast, I wanted to firstly set up my environment for success. Here was my desk set-up this summer!

Salesforce gave us a generous work from home stipend to cover a lot of the equipment we needed! Also, huge shout out to my brother for letting me borrow his monitor and my dad for helping me set up my desk!

🏃🏼‍♀️ Why Do I Say “Blazing My Trail”? 💨

This summer, I learned how to blaze my own trail because well, I was experiencing a lot of first times. This was my first time working remotely, as well as myself being the first Product Manager Intern on my team and my first time working on internal products on a global team. All of this made me feel a lot of imposter syndrome and fear of the unknown but I knew that I wasn’t new to being the first to do things (I’m a first-gen college student and the first in my…

